Picked this up while diggin' at Play De Record last weekend! Most of these Instrumentals were only available on the Show Vinyl pressed up by ATCQ themselves so I'm not sure whose behind releasing these? If I had to guess I would say these were all taken off the Show Vinyl from their first 4 albums and repressed up on Vinyl & CD! All good tho, it beats paying a few bills at least for one of the actual Test Pressings if your lucky to ever come across one. I've saw The Low End Theory Show Vinyl on Ebay but only Side C & D and it went for a few hundred. Sometime later I saw Aaron from The Tune Up who had the Beats Rhymes & Life Show Vinyl that was given to a friend of his from Ali Shaheed Muhammad. That didn't even last a day on Ebay so I assume he received an offer he couldn't refuse for it. Let's hope there will be a Vol 3 as I still need the Buggin' Out, 8 Million Stories & Keep It Rollin' Instrumentals...
A Tribe Called Quest - Rare & Unreleased Instrumentals Vol 2 (320K)
1. Excursions (Instrumental)
2. Midnight (Instrumental)
3. Jazz (We Got) (Instrumental)
4. We Can Get Down (Instrumental)
5. Youthful Expressions (Instrumental)
6. Lyrics To Go (Instrumental)
7. Rap Promoter (Instrumental)
8. The Chase Pt 2 (Instrumental)
9. Footprints (Instrumental)
10. Vibes & Stuff (Instrumental)
11. God Live Through (Instrumental)
12. Decsription Of A Fool (Instrumental)
Ha Ha....damn you actually found something nice from play de....i was there around christmas and i was shocked... this used to be the main store for hip hop....definatly not now...it hasnt changed since i worked there in 95....respect to eugene and donna but wow.....anyways nice find
it gets no better than this. Thanks!
please don't tell me there's a volume 3, too ?!?
Good god, Andy. You're a monster with the instrumentals.
thank you so much! PS: Can you possible post a high-res scan of the label on the cover? Im a cover-flow whore on my iPod! Thanks!
Thank you for posting. I am very glad that Volume 2 was released. I do have a couple of minor complaints though. Excursions is not really a true instrumental. It's more of a dub. We hear Q-Tip rapping the whole intro of the song and then hear him every other bar. The true instrumental minus all of Q-Tip's vocals does exist because if you listened to De La Soul's Excursions Tribute remake on J.Period's The Abstract Best mixtape, they rapped over the true instrumental. Another thing that doesn't make sense is this release is supposed to be "Rare and UNRELEASED instrumentals" so why did they include Midnight when its instrumental was included on the Electric Relaxation single. Instead of Midnight, this Vol 2 could have included the instrumental to Oh My God, which has NEVER been released; not even on its original single back in the day. Description of a Fool is another one that didn't have to be included since its instrumental was on the orginal 12" single. I know I'm nitpicking, but I would have preferred another unreleased instrumental from Tribe's 1st album like After Hours or Go Ahead In The Rain. Hopefully, there will be a Volume 3. Here are songs not included on Volumes 1 and 2 that hopefully will be on a Volume 3: After Hours and Go Ahead In The Rain (from People's Instinctive Travels) Buggin' Out, Verses From The Abstract, Skypager, and What? (from The Low End Theory) 8 Million Stories, Oh My God, and Keep It Rollin' (from Midnight Marauders).
Thanks for this post!!! I really do appreciate it and nice site, too. PEace
Many, Many Thanks dude this is sick.
The Excursions version is not a true instrumental, as you say, but it is the exact version that is on the show vinyls. And some of the other instrumentals you mention aren't on any of the show vinyls either - they're pretty much insts of what was on the vinyl LP releases, the CD bonus tracks don't get a look in.
Sorry, I'm wrong. Just checked my show vinyls and those insts - Skypager, Go Ahead in the Rain etc. are on there. My bad.
@Andy - Upload the missing ones for us
Andrew do you actually own the Show Vinylz? If so which ones?
Would love that 'Skypager' insty!...Still, this is the posting we've all been waiting for!...
Many thanks for the beats!
I need that buggin out instrumental, does anybody know where i can download it? it would really help me, email me at paulkane2099@gmail.com if you are able to help out. thx in advance
thx for posting it. much appreciation and respect !
- MN
Man you have to re-up this. These instrumentals are so fucking critical. When you re-up, please could you rip them into AAC or higher? Cheers dude and much love for spreading this joy. Cheers, Marc, UK.
Please repost these, have been looking everywhere for this album and can't find it anywhere. Would be much appreciated.
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